Join Rainbow Seniors of Berkshire County
for a three-part evening of queer stories
MARCH 3rd 5 - 8 PM
"Old Lesbians" film, a 30-minute documentary, tells the story of retired schoolteacher Arden Eversmeyer, who journeyed from Houston across the country to record hundreds of oral "herstories" with a mostly invisible population of older lesbians.
Berkshire Queer History Project (BQHP) collects, preserves, shares, and connects the contemporary and historical stories of the LGBTQ+ community of the Berkshires. You can sign up now to be interviewed that night, or arrange with them for an interview at a later date.
Western Mass LGBTQ+ Oral History Project covers the lives and experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals who lived, worked, and socialized in Western Massachusetts during the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. The oral histories will be collected by Dr. Anne Wheeler, an Associate Professor of Composition & Rhetoric at Springfield College. Anne will be there to explain her project and make arrangements for future interviews (anonymity is available, if desired).